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AAUP-SC 2020 Rescheduled Spring Meeting Agenda

The AAUP-SC 2020 Spring Meeting has been rescheduled for July 1, 2020 at 2:30 pm online via Zoom. Earlier this month we sent an email to all AAUP-SC members asking for chapters and at large-members at institutions without chapters serve as representatives at the rescheduled meeting.

Chapter and at-large representatives will be receiving a link to the meeting.

AAUP-SC Conference Spring Meeting AGENDA

July 1, 2020, 2:30 PM

  1. Approval of Minutes from 2019 Fall Meeting

  2. Conference Officers’ Reports

  3. Special Committee Reports

    1. COLA

    2. Presidential Search

  4. Chapter Reports

    1. Francis Marion University

    2. UofSC Aiken

    3. UofSC Beaufort

    4. UofSC School of Medicine Greenville


  1. Proposed Changes to Bylaws: Add Three At-large Members to Executive Committee

  2. 2020 – 2021 Calendar

    1. Summer Institute Free Webinars July 7 – August 4

    2. July 24 Special Conference Meeting

    3. EQUITY Week Oct. 19 – 23 (projected)

    4. Fall Meeting Oct. 3 (projected)

    5. 2021 Spring Meeting (projected Feb. 20, Mar. 6 or 27)

  3. State of AAUP – SC

    1. Digital Communications and Mobilization

    2. District 2 Regional Engagement

    3. Alphabet Committees

    4. SC COVID – 19 Update

Break 5

  1. Old Business

  2. New Business

    1. AAUP National Election and SC Conference Vote

    2. Administrative Overreach Portal (Google Webpage Model for Chapters)

  3. Adjourn

If you would like to participate or otherwise need to contact the conference organizers, please email: David Bruzina at, Amanda Warren at, or Shawn Smolen-Morten at


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