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Constitution and Bylaws

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Constitution of the South Carolina Conference

Of the American Association of University Professors

Formed in 2015 by Jim Henderson, Bob Fries, and Brandon Inabinet


Article 1 - Name

The name of the organization shall be the South Carolina Conference of the American Association of University Professors, which shall be referred to herein as “Conference” and “AAUP” respectively.


Article 2 - Purpose

The purpose of the Conference shall be to initiate, advance, and coordinate actions in South Carolina consistent with the principles and procedures of the AAUP national organization.


Article 3 - Membership

Conference membership will consist of AAUP members who reside in South Carolina and as stipulated by the Bylaws.


Article 4 - Officers and Executive Council

The Conference shall have an elected President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. There shall be an Executive Council, consisting of the four elected officers and the immediate Past President, all with equal voting privileges. The Council may have additional nonvoting advisory members.


Article 5 - Elections

Officers shall be elected from the Conference membership. Term limits and other constraints are stipulated by the Bylaws.


Article 6 - Meetings

The Executive Council meets at least once annually to conduct the official business of the organization. Meetings of the general membership occur more often.


Article 7 - Referendum and Recall

Procedures for conducting referenda among the Conference members and procedures for recall of Conference officers are noted in the Bylaws.


Article 8 - Amendments

The Constitution is amended by a 3/4 supermajority of those voting. The Bylaws are amended by a simple majority of those voting.


Article 9 - Committees

The Conference may have ad hoc and standing committees as determined by the Executive Council and appointed by the Conference President. Standing committees will be specified in the Bylaws.


Article 10 - Ratification

This Constitution and Bylaws will be distributed in electronic and printed form to all members of the Conference. An affirmative vote by 3/4 of those responding puts this document into action. Upon ratification, any and all previous Conference constitutions and bylaws shall be rendered null and void.


Bylaws of the South Carolina Conference

Of the American Association of University Professors

Last Amended March 5, 2015

Article 1 - Name

The name of the organization shall be the South Carolina Conference of the American Association of University Professors. Acronyms and short-hand names “Conference,” “AAUP of SC,” “AAUP-SC” are permitted for the purposes of official symbols, mailings, and digital media.


Article 2 - Purpose

The Conference shall promote the policies of the national AAUP organization, especially through the revitalization of existing in-state chapters and the establishment of new in-state chapters. It shall also do so by representing and advocating for the interests of faculty members in South Carolina public and private institutions of higher learning; providing a venue for inter-chapter discussion of matters of mutual interest and concern; and fostering cooperation with neighboring AAUP state conferences.


Article 3 - Membership

All AAUP members who reside in South Carolina are automatically members of the Conference. AAUP members who live outside of South Carolina but are affiliated with a South Carolina institution of higher learning may choose to be members of the Conference by application to the Executive Council. However, no person may be a member of both the South Carolina Conference and another state conference.


Article 4 - Officers and Executive Council

The President presides at Conference and Executive Council meetings; has overall responsibility for fulfilling the mission of the Conference; creates agendas for meetings.


The Vice President conducts Conference business when the President is unable to do so; performs specific assignments at the President’s direction; ensures the production of a Conference newsletter, web presence, social media, or substitute means for sharing information.


The Secretary is responsible for records and correspondence; keeps minutes of meetings; maintains an accurate roster of Conference members, including postal and email addresses; provides notices of meetings to the members.


The Treasurer receives and disburses all Conference funds; keeps an accurate account of all transactions; makes financial reports to the Conference regularly; transfers records and funds to the successor in office at the end of the term. The Treasurer presents the records to the Executive Council in odd-numbered years for an informal audit. A formal audit by an external agent is conducted in even-numbered years.


The Immediate Past President provides to the Conference and Executive Council advice and council based on past experience.


In the event a Conference officer is unable to serve, whether by reason of resignation, illness or otherwise, the following procedure shall be followed. If the officer is the President, then the Vice President shall become the President. If the officer is the Vice President, Secretary, or Treasurer, the President, in consultation with remaining Executive Council members, shall fill the vacancy by appointment or by temporarily combining officer duties. In all cases, the term ends with the regular annual cycle and will be open to regular nomination and election processes described below.


The Executive Council shall exercise ordinary executive responsibility for the Conference and any special responsibilities assigned to it by vote of the membership of the Conference.


Article 5 - Elections

Officers are elected by the Conference members for two-year, typically non-repeating terms. The President will not serve consecutive full-length terms in office. Eligibility for Conference office and voting extends to all categories of AAUP membership, including full-time faculty, part-time faculty, and retired faculty members. The Executive Council may create and appoint a Nominating Committee or may serve in that capacity itself. Members are encouraged to submit names of potential nominees for office via email during January and February in odd-numbered years.


The Nominating Committee shall typically present names of candidates to the statewide membership for three weeks of consideration. The election shall then be conducted in the Spring session meeting in odd-numbered years, or if none is held, by email ballots returned to the Nominating Committee no later than the end of April (of odd-numbered years). The results of the election will be announced electronically as soon thereafter as possible.


During the Spring Conference meeting in odd-numbered years, the newly-elected officers will be inaugurated and installed prior to the adjournment of the business meeting.


Article 6 - Meetings

There shall be two meetings of the Conference each year, one in the Spring (February, March, or April) and one in the Fall (September, October, or November), except in the case of extenuating circumstances as determined by the Executive Council. The Conference President, in consultation with the Executive Council, will choose the dates and locations of the meetings.


A minimum of ten members, representing at least two institutions of higher learning, shall constitute a quorum for conducting business.


All meetings of the Conference will be conducted according to the current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.


The Executive Council must meet at least once yearly to ensure the continuance of the organization and additionally as deemed desirable by the President. These meetings may be held in person or by other means.


Article 7 - Referendum and Recall

Power to call referenda is vested in the Executive Council. The Council is obliged to call a referendum on an issue upon presentation of a petition containing the names of at least ten percent of the Conference membership.


Elected officers may be removed from office for cause in relation to the duties specified in the Conference Constitution and Bylaws. Elected officers may be recalled by unanimous agreement among other Executive Council members or by a majority of the voting membership. Any such action will be made only after consultation with the AAUP national headquarters staff and in accordance with its recommendations. Appointed committee chairs or committee members serve at the will of the Conference President, in consultation with the Executive Council.


Article 8 - Amendments

Suggested amendments to the Constitution and Bylaws may come from any member at any time and are to be directed to the Executive Council, which shall determine if the suggested amendment shall be placed before the members. Proposed Constitutional amendments shall be sent via postal mail to members; proposed Bylaws amendments may be placed before the members either by mail or electronically. In either case, adequate time of at least three weeks shall be given for due consideration of the matter and for a vote to be taken.


Article 9 - Committees

The Conference President, in consultation with the Executive Council, may establish ad hoc and standing committees, and appoint the chairperson and members of the committees. Standing committees that may be activated as needed include:

Committee A on Academic Freedom and Tenure

Committee F on Dues, Membership, Chapters, and Credentials

Committee R on the Relationship of Higher Education to Government

Committee T on College and University Governance

Committee W on the Status of Women in the Professoriate

Committee Z on Economic Status and Faculty Welfare

Nominating Committee

Counting Committee for Elections

Investigative Committee

Ratified at a meeting of the South Carolina Conference at Columbia College, December

2, 1978.


Amended at an Assembly Meeting of the South Carolina Conference at The University of

South Carolina Beaufort, November 6, 1993.


Amended at an Assembly Meeting of the South Carolina Conference at Francis Marion University, April 15, 2000.


Amended at an Assembly Meeting of the South Carolina Conference at Furman University, November 1, 2003.

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